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Be heard, be inspired and thrive


Meet Emily

Holistic health practitioner, MS, BCHN® Candidate

Born and raised in coastal California, I have always had a passion for food and the outdoors. After earning a degree in Biology, I spent nearly a decade doing research. After leaving the world of science, I found myself struggling with hormone balance and digestive issues that conventional medicine approaches could not resolve. Only when a doctor suggested that I change my diet did my body heal. I became fascinated with nutrition and holistic health and completed a Masters from the American College of Healthcare Sciences. I opened Grounded Health & Wellness to support others in finding and resolving the root cause of their health challenges.

Our understanding of the human body and nutrition has blossomed in recent decades. It’s now clear that many conditions are rooted in a combination of our diet, lifestyle, and genetics. We are finding that inflammation is the “common soil” of a wide range of conditions, ranging from digestive and neurological disorders to cancer and cardiovascular disease. As a former scientist, my approach to health and wellness is grounded in the most current science as well as in each client’s unique needs. Through honest discussion and data gathering, we determine your body's imbalances. Together, we develop a wellness plan composed of dietary, supplemental and/or lifestyle adjustments to allow you to heal. With support and guidance, you can not only be well – you can thrive!

Meet Amelia

My purpose is to support clients in uncovering the root cause of their health and wellness challenges.

Why Holistic Health?

Holistic health strives to nurture numerous aspects of health and wellness -
physical, mental and emotional

My goal is to resolve each challenge through thoughtful data gathering and lab testing. We use that information to develop a wellness plan with reasonable, achievable goals.

My job is to be the sherpa in your health journey – I walk beside you, carry some of your load, guide you when needed, and celebrate your successes when you reach your goals!


I Work With...

What I offer

Free 15 minute consultation

Discuss your concerns and goals and become more familiar with me and my approach with this free 15 minute consult call. This is an opportunity for you to explore if my services will be a good fit for you.

Thrive Health & Wellness Package

This package begins with a 90 minute comprehensive health and wellness evaluation. Together, we will develop an initial Health & Wellness Plan. Includes three follow up sessions.

Youth Wellness Package

This package is designed for children and young adults who need support.

Continuing Support Wellness Package

For clients who have completed the Thrive Wellness Package and wish to continue working toward larger goals or appreciate ongoing support and guidance.

Get in Touch

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Contact Info





659 Abrego St. Suite 2, Monterey, CA 93940

My purpose is to support clients in uncovering the root cause of their health and wellness challenges.

My purpose is to support clients in uncovering the root cause of their health and wellness challenges.

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